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Update from St Lawrence Primary

I just thought I’d drop you a line to say how much Evan is enjoying Alice in Wonderland.  It is one of his favourite stories and he seems very excited each time we read it.  This does mean he is clapping a lot!  He doesn’t react well to being timed so the...

Clear spelling progress at lesson 164

“I am really seeing an improvement in Lou’s spelling in her school books. She is becoming much faster at writing on the computer too. I think we are experiencing a period of steadier progress which is wonderful.” Way to go Louise (11)!  We’d...

He is reading for pleasure!

Hey there! We are doing so well with his reading outside of the program! He is picking up books and reading for pleasure! We are so grateful, and recommend you to all of our friends and family.

Easyread picked up on convergence visual issues!

I am writing to let you know some important updates that I thought you would like to know. At Nicole’s annual eye exam in August, I mentioned, again, about her difficulty with reading etc. The Dr. has always checked her for it and there had been no issues that...

Easyread has certainly been a success for Amelia!

“We have really noticed a difference in Amelia’s reading and spelling. She is more confident now and reads with greater speed and accuracy. She still needs to slow down with her spelling, but it is much better now and she can spot her own errors. So big thanks...