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Her reading is definitely better…

We are keeping up with the lessons and are due to hit lesson 100 on Tuesday. Eli’s reading is doing quite well. She is reading fairly fluently from books with not too many gaps and virtually no sounding out of words letter by letter. We really feel she is...

Top of the class…

Milan is doing really well this year in English. He just had his report for the half term and his is in the top part of the class. He also enjoys the new Spellrace game in level 5 and we will try to do it more often, now that he is on a holiday. – D

It is fun reading to mummy…

Easy read has helped me at school. Homework sucks and it should be banned for ever but Easyread has helped me at school and at home. At home I am reading The Hobbit. It is fun reading it to mummy. Thank you for letting me join Easyread. –...

On the homestretch…

Just a note say Matthew is on the homestretch to finishing Easyread. I asked him at the weekend what he thinks has helped him find reading easier and he said the Easyread System! Thanks so much. – T