Jun 12, 2015 | Parent Reviews
She received a wonderful evaluation from her reading support teacher and is much more confident in her reading skills. We are really proud of her and thank Easyread for all the help getting her to this point. It’s made reading fun. Thanks!
Jun 8, 2015 | Parent Reviews
He is doing very well with his reading. At a recent reading test in school he scored 8 years 4 months which is 7 months above his chronological age!!! On his spelling he came up as 7 years 2 months, which although behind his chronological age is still 14 months of...
Jun 3, 2015 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
I love it bekos its very good
Jun 1, 2015 | Parent Reviews
We have seen amazing progress throughout the course of Easyread with C, and I can’t think of any other method which has shown us the progress we’ve seen in him in the four months he has homeschooled. As you know, we started C with Easyread on 22 October,...
Jun 1, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Erin is doing very well, and still enjoying the Easyread programme. I know you said reading would only improve by round about lesson 60, but there are definite signs of improvement already. Her teacher commented that her reading has improved significantly.