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Scored 7 months above his age!

He is doing very well with his reading. At a recent reading test in school he scored 8 years 4 months which is 7 months above his chronological age!!! On his spelling he came up as 7 years 2 months, which although behind his chronological age is still 14 months of...

Amazing, unrivalled progress

We have seen amazing progress throughout the course of Easyread with C, and I can’t think of any other method which has shown us the progress we’ve seen in him in the four months he has homeschooled. As you know, we started C with Easyread on 22 October,...

Teacher commented on reading improvement

Erin is doing very well, and still enjoying the Easyread programme. I know you said reading would only improve by round about lesson 60, but there are definite signs of improvement already. Her teacher commented that her reading has improved significantly.