Jun 1, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I am delighted with Barnaby’s progress. He is now reading books at home pretty fluently. (He read two books to me at bedtime last night). My objective was to get him reading fluently and he has achieved that beyond my expectations at this...
May 31, 2017 | Parent Reviews
William is really enjoying the sessions and really looks forward to them. We have seen an increase in his reading confidence and more enthusiasm to have a go at decoding unfamiliar words in books or magazines. I have even caught him having a sneaky read of a book,...
May 30, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We’re feeling it’s time for Andrew to \”graduate\” from Easyread. As you know, we’re thrilled with his progress! We just received word from his spring assessments at school and they showed great gains. He’s been exited from...
May 30, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We have found the program very helpful so far. Jared has started to attempt to decode words outside the program once he has had a guess and it has been incorrect. He doesn’t always decode correctly yet (as we are only on lesson 47) but it has started to become...
May 30, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Lauren has really enjoyed the lessons and has stuck with Easyread more than anything we have tried. Her progress has been a steady upward climb. Short word are very easy for her now, she sounds out the tougher ones. She usually catches the I and E correctly now.