May 8, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I am delighted (and relieved) to have found the Easyread system while searching for help for S. We were already aware that she had a problem with her vision but had no idea of the extent to which it was impacting her ability to comprehend the books and reading...
May 8, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Thank you so much for your response. We can already see some improvement after only 12 lessons! This program is amazing!
May 6, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Her reading however has come on in leaps and bounds. She is fluently reading Gold book band books and has progressed happily onto free reading (rainbow fairy and horrid henry) she is expressing herself more freely in the written word but her spelling is still not...
May 5, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Macy is doing very well. We enjoy the program. She finds the lessons enjoyable and easy and is excited to do them. I enjoy the slow steady progress as doing 10 minutes or so each day fits into our busy schedule. She is gaining confidence in herself. This is most...
May 4, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Thanks so much for all your help; at this point, we would like to stop (at least for the time being) Easyread. Our son is reading at grade level now and is doing well and is now finally getting a lot of additional support at school to assist in his weak areas which is...