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Budget 2016: the Plans for Education

Yesterday, Chancellor George Osborne announced big plans for the Budget of 2016, vowing to invest in England’s schools. Reformation plans include: All schools becoming academies by 2020, or having official plans to do so by 2022 (you can read more on academies...

Summer learning fun – The Brothers Grimm

The popular parenting blog,, recently published an article from one very creative mum who has taken educational summer fun to a whole new level! If you are coming to the tail end of your summer and looking for ideas on how to start getting your kids back...

Factoid Friday: Illiteracy in the Army

Fact: Up to 40% of new recruits into the British Armed Forces have a reading age of 11 years old. The armed forces recently published details of a report into the academic levels of their personnel, in which this and other statistics were revealed. 38% fail a...

Educational Apps: They’re Free!

We’re living in the Age of the Apps. Whether you have a smartphone, tablet or regular ‘ol computer, thousands of apps are available to you — and most of the time, for free. Google’s browser, Chrome, has an app store full of educational games...