Feb 10, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Overall my husband and I are very happy with the progress he has made using your system and can’t thank you enough! – Jacki
Feb 10, 2011 | Parent Reviews
I would also like to say that his school are very pleased with his progress in reading and are particularly impressed by his willingness to tackle long words. – Elena
Feb 10, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Overall I have seen an amazing improvement in her skills where reading, writing and spelling is concerned. She has read 3 chapter books over the past 2 months. When we started easyread she struggled to read a page of her take home reader from school and chapter books...
Feb 9, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Christian is still a little hesitant in reading books but after only 6 weeks of using the Easyread system my husband and I have noticed a big difference ……. he now will try to decode words …….something that he would never felt confident or...
Feb 9, 2011 | Parent Reviews
Caitlin’s reading has improved a lot since she started the programme.She can now read a wider range of books and her reading at school has improved too. – Daphne