ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

Although Katherine should not be showing signs…

Although Katherine should not be showing signs of improvement yet she definitely is! There are some very positive comments from her Teacher in her Reading Record and she is gaining in confidence at home, tackling new books and magazines. She is constantly asking to...

Guy was delighted to receive…

Guy was delighted to receive a codeword, BULL, yesterday! He has persevered with the course and it is paying off. A recent meeting with his school has upped his reading age by nearly 3 years (since he has been doing this course) and his spelling is improving, albeit...

I am extremely pleased with Easyread…

I am extremely pleased with Easyread. Joseph has picked it up really well and as a result, he has improved dramatically with his spelling ay school. He has gained in confidence and really loves the games! Easyread has become part of our daily routine, and he actually...