Nov 26, 2008 | DM News Blog
Day by day one begins to see more Real Books and Whole Language articles.  Here is another: Phonics or Whole Language Debate As phonics fails to deliver the target of full literacy again, one can feel the pendulum beginning to creak into motion. The truth is that...
Nov 25, 2008 | DM News Blog
We are indeed very pleased with Paul’s progress, (as are his tutors), we have seen a real leap in his skills and confidence. However, Paul is educated outside of the school system ,as we were frankly dismayed at what was on offer in our area for those who did...
Nov 19, 2008 | DM News Blog
It is funny isn’t it that nobody can even agree on what dyslexia is. Here is one definition: What is dyslexia But I disagree with it. My Collins Dictionary states dyslexia as “having difficulty with reading despite normal intelligence”. So, to my...
Oct 23, 2008 | DM News Blog
Here is another article describing the decline in literacy standards in Australia, despite the budget being tripled over recent years: Literacy Skills Shock for New South Wales Public Schools More evidence that just throwing money at this issue is not the answer....
Oct 3, 2008 | DM News Blog
Here is an interesting post about the influence of genes on dyslexia: Faulty Gene “is the link to dyslexia” Of course, I think this view of the world misses the point really. We know that our genes have a big influence on these things.  So to find an...