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How to Go Camping Without Leaving Home

  Looking to create some family adventures at home on a budget? Look no further than your own backyard for a little summer camping.       What you’ll need: a tent (makeshift blankets draped over chairs can do in a pinch!) a firepit (or a candle stuck into a...

Factoid Fridays: How Much Sleep Do Kids Need?

Fact: Although children do need a decreasing amount of sleep as they age, teenagers up to age 18 or so still need a few hours more than the average adult! Check out this table below. Are your kids achieving their sleep targets? Or perhaps more to the point…are...

Debunking 5 Dyslexia Myths

1. Word flipping, like was/saw or on/no, or mirror writing, is a sure sign of dyslexia. Word flipping or mirror writing are classic “symptoms” often heralded as proof of dyslexia. But many people with reading difficulty don’t do either of these...

Factoid Friday: What’s wrong with “W” sitting

An article written by an experienced chiropractor has outlined why “W” sitting is something we should be discouraging in our children. Confused about what “W” sitting is? Here’s a visual cue: She goes on to explain that there are postural...