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He is finally finding the joy of reading…

What we love: from the outset the books have been interesting – not just ponies and the standard school stuff! Merry loves non fiction in particular so the books on inventions, animals and the ocean have fascinated both him and us. It’s great for Merry to be...

Really impressed with the support

We’ve been really impressed with the prizes and support already (and we haven’t even started paying yet). The prizes couldn’t be more suited to Rory’s interests and he won’t believe that we didn’t let you know what he likes!

His reading age is up

He does seem to be doing well – his reading age is up at school although they have also been doing work with him -think we have been more consistent though ! He says his favourite fact re Egyptians is that they also mummified their cats .

I love reading now!

To David, I like Easyread a lot. I’ve liked the stories, and the riddles, the jokes and the games. It has helped me to read. I am reading a book now, called Magnus Fin and the Moonlight Mission. I started it yesterday, and I am already on Chapter 23. Without...