Sep 20, 2019 | Parent Reviews
I will forever be grateful to this amazing, clever, fun and utterly gorgeous scheme that is Easyread and for the fact that it got Gabriel reading when nothing else made amy sense. I am recommending you to everyone, including Gabriel’s new school SENco. Thanks...
Sep 18, 2019 | Parent Reviews
I think he is quietly proud of what he can manage so far, as his confidence was low before we started. Also, he looked genuinely excited when David mentioned that he would be able to read by the end of the course. As a parent who is home educating, it is really great...
Aug 22, 2019 | Parent Reviews
He’s having great fun decoding and managing very well with it too. I am surprised, but delighted that he is still enjoying the lessons and I’m having no problems with asking him to do them. – K
Aug 20, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Lily has enjoyed the computer-based nature of Easyread which makes it all feel like a game to her. I like the fact that it is only 15 minutes which has easily fitted into our morning routine. I also like the fact that we haven’t had the daily reading battles! –...
Aug 19, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Whilst we were out and about yesterday, out of nowhere Maddie ran over to a sign on the side of the bank and started to decode it. I was so happy to see this, as was an old lady who was walking past. “S-O-R-R-Y, Sorr-yuh, no, sorry!” and then read a few...