Dec 9, 2019 | Parent Reviews
What we like most about easyread is that the approach to work and it helps to keep Yara engaged. We were able to work without the stress that other approaches seem to have inherently. There were times when she was challenged and pushed back but she always had the...
Dec 5, 2019 | DM Case Studies
Case Studies View All Case Studies Leah used to be told that she simply “wasn’t trying” with reading The Backstory Before Easyread, Leah and I were both told by several teachers that she simply “wasn’t trying”. The school thought she was being...
Dec 4, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Her meeting went very well with her teacher, she said Emmie has made 6 months of progress since we started this program and that was like 8 weeks ago!!! I was so excited to hear this and she is only 2 levels behind where she needs to be!! She was like 10 levels behind...
Dec 2, 2019 | Parent Reviews
We have just made amazing progress for Leah with this program and we feel she is now reading independently so well that we would like to complete the lessons through 200, but we will not need to renew our subscription again at the end of the month. I didn’t see an...
Nov 28, 2019 | Parent Reviews
I would like to say thank you so much for this program. Easy Read is the best program there is that i know of. Easy Read has changed my son Joel’s life and this program also changed my life. We are both very grateful for this reading program. I have to say that...