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I paid for my two grandsons to take the course, beginning autumn 2012. They were aged 6 and 7 at the time they started. Both were very premature – 8 weeks +. This resulted in basic problems with retained reflexes, poor co-ordination and a family history of dyslexia. One has mixed dominance, requires glasses, speech therapy. The other appeared immature particularly with his movement. He has tinted glasses for school work. Support from Easyread clarified some of the issues and offered a way forward.

For them Easyread was the platform into reading. They have both learned very good phonic approaches to breaking down words. This transferred easily to their spelling. While it took time and commitment and they are not yet reading quite at their chronological age they are confident to approach reading and spelling, work hard in school and remain motivated and making very good progress. We are confident that this coming session in school will see them building on very solid foundations and finally able to reach their potential.

They enjoyed an outing to the “Borders Book Festival” in June and interacted well with all the authors.

We are impressed with the “Easyread” programme and the interaction with the staff there. The boys motivation levels were kept high with the games and the surprise gifts. As a former teacher and headteacher, I wish more children could benefit from their strategies because they are successful.

