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“Easyread has given my first grader confidence that he is capable of reading and the skills to be a problem solver when approaching new words/sounds/etc. Highly recommend this to anyone whose child is struggling. It’s worth the time you put into it.”

“EasyRead has been the single most helpful program for us for dyslexia. Over the summer, my child’s reading level increased dramatically to be on grade level. Not to mention the unexpected benefits such as confidence, joy for reading, and typing skills that came along with it. All of this for only 10 minutes a day!”

“Easyread was exactly what we were looking for in a reading program. It is can be done at home and is guided and individualized and it significantly helped improve my son’s decoding skills. My son enjoyed much of the program so it was also a wonderful chance for us to work on his reading skills together without the tears and frustration we experienced in the past. We really loved this program.”

“Easyread has worked really well for us as a follow-up to Take Flight. I think it especially helped us counter the summer slide. At first, the lessons were easy, which helped build confidence and comfort with the format of the program. As we progressed, I saw improvement in decoding longer words and we found the reading section was right on target with her ability, which also helped with confidence and fluency. I’ve been very impressed with the approach that this program takes.”

“Our child had attended summer camps for kids with dyslexia and taken part in Take Flight during school for two years when he began Easyread. Both helped his reading, but it was only when we added Easyread that we began to see him catching up with the kids in his grade. It also helped me to get a stronger sense of his strengths and weaknesses in spelling and reading as I completed it with him each day. Requiring him to do extra work for 10 – 15 minutes a day did not sound particularly attractive at first to him (or me!), but having a structure and a set of particular tasks to engage in together actually made the reading homework assigned to him each day in school much easier to accomplish as it involved games and provided feedback on his improvement. By the time he finished the program, he had read several chapter books and had become a much more confident reader”

“David Morgan became a household name in our family. You can hear a smile in his voice as he narrates EasyRead. We could all tell that he wanted our daughter to do well and succeed. This warmth came through in the EasyRead games. Learning with EasyRead is fun, challenging, and fit into our after school and work schedule.”