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I am more than happy to recommend the easyread system to schools. I found it accidentally several years ago when surfing the internet one night. I was looking for a new way to help a child who was not progressing with reading no matter what we did. We had tried all sorts of reading schemes and approaches. Now in Year Two we were getting desperate. His mum said he loved the computer but really struggled with reading which impacted on his behaviour and learning in all subjects. His brother had very poor behaviour and a history of poor achievement in school. Mum felt like history was repeating itself.

I spoke to David by email getting it all set up and was delighted when the child absolutely loved it. The feedback system and rewards was super motivating and soon he had a real passion for reading. He left theschool at age appropriate levels after being predicted to get a level 1. His self confidence, behaviour and overall happiness were improved beyond belief.
Last year we tried it with a child who was working at P6 level in Yr2. It seemed far too big a challenge but worth a try for the very small cost (funded by pupil premium) and yet again the pay back was enormous. She achieved 1A in reading and writing. Still below age related but but my goodness progress was astounding.

The scheme asks that parents give a good level of support carrying on the short session times at weekends and during holidays. We start by inviting the parent in, showing them a session, explaining the impact they can have and arranging their online access. Their support makes a massive difference. Some have been unable to meet that commitment but even so most children have done really well.

We hosted a training session for local schools using easyread earlier this year. It was really lovely seeing the buzz in the room when they realised how good it is.

In terms of staffing and costs, each child needs 1-1 support and computer access for 15 to 20 mins per day while they are on the system. This may sound costly but they soon develop a much better level of independence in all lessons so the payback is high.

If I can be of further assistance in letteing other schools and other children benefit from this system please do not hesitate to let me know.
Kind regards

Caroline T-Walmsley
Head Teacher
Kingsway Infant School