Oct 29, 2010 | Parent Reviews
Regarding Jamie’s progress, in short it has been pretty impressive. You remarked quite early in the programme that his transfer from reading in his lessons to reading short items which he saw on TV or in papers and magazines was taking place earlier than... Oct 28, 2010 | Parent Reviews
Just an update on how Harry is going. His teacher has just come back from leave & school holidays. She has 1 month away from the kids. She told me this morning how impressed she is with Harry’s progress over the last month. She had his group yesterday for... Oct 28, 2010 | Parent Reviews
Alex is doing really well, and enjoying his lessons. He has already taken more interest in reading and making the right choices in decoding rather than guessing. Although he is still guessing it is getting less. Yesterday was a good one though a sign read Cooper... Oct 27, 2010 | Parent Reviews
All is well, we have recently had the results of an InCAS test done on Harry his reading age has now gone up to Seven years 6 months, his age at time of test was 8 years 5 months. This is a vast improvement for Harry as this time last year his reading age was 5 years... Oct 26, 2010 | Parent Reviews
James has really enjoyed doing easyread as it has fun, easy and the results have been fantastic. Having gone from battling to make James even look at a book he quickly wanted to do his easyread each day. He is now very happy to read his school books and even asks to...