Aug 30, 2013 | DM News Blog
Guy Ritchie is a British filmmaker most famous for his decade-long marriage to Madonna. He directed the hits Snatch and Sherlock Holmes, and has an ongoing fascination with making films about street violence. And he has dyslexia. Ritchie struggled with schoolwork from... Aug 30, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Dear Easy read team, Thank you very much for the first prize, spy glasses, which we just received through the post. Fantastic prize, fantastic motivational letter – we have one little boy with a big smile on his face playing with the glasses and excited about... Aug 29, 2013 | Parent Reviews
We just did David’s next lesson and he was thrilled to get a codeword this morning and very excited to get his next prize in the post, hopefully before the weekend. Lesson 42 I think has been the best reading and re-reading so far. He insisted on reading the... Aug 29, 2013 | DM News Blog
School has already started for many families as autumn approaches in the Northern Hemisphere. At the beginning of the school year, many of us make lofty goals about implementing more efficient morning routines, packing better school lunches, and enforcing less screen... Aug 29, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Charlie doesn’t seem to find the story any harder than the games in his lessons. He does, however, usually like the games more than the story… unless there is the word poo or bum involved, in which case the story is a talking point for the day! He is using...