Oct 24, 2013 | Parent Reviews
Firstly, can I say how impressed I am already! Tom is responding really well to his Easyread lessons and I have seen his confidence rocket in a few short sessions. He achieved 100% accuracy today when he played the game at the end of his session – this was a...
Oct 24, 2013 | Child Reviews, Parent Reviews
Dear David… I feel so happy I can read so well. I do not need so much help any more. I am a still a spy working out all the codes. I don’t guess any more and just love reading books. Thank you David and the team for helping me. Lots of love Agent...
Oct 23, 2013 | DM News Blog
Michael Faraday (1791-1867) is thought of as the best experimentalist scientist in the history of the discipline. He discovered many chemical and physical properties, and invented the first version of the Bunsen burner – even though it now carries the name of a later...
Oct 23, 2013 | Child Reviews
Hi David Morgan, I feel like I have achieved everything I ever wanted to. When I got to lesson 120 I started to get a little bored and didn’t want to do them any more but now I know I have got my gold certificate I am very happy to do it. –...
Oct 22, 2013 | DM News Blog
What if your child was extremely bright, creative, social, artistic, “normal” in every sense of the word, but couldn’t read? Would you think they were lazy, stupid, unfocused or not working hard enough? What if your child who was once happy and eager to go to...