Mar 25, 2014 | Parent Reviews
Dear David Please find attached the report from the speech pathologist which should come as no surprise to you . It seems that the stars are aligning. I just had an interview with Kody’s teacher who had just spoke with Kody’s OT. Both read the report and felt...
Mar 24, 2014 | Parent Reviews
Thanks for your email. This evening D said the most amazing thing after his Easy Read session. He said “something is working Mummy, I don’t know if it’s school or Easy Read, but I am getting better” I asked what he meant and he said his...
Mar 24, 2014 | Parent Reviews
Thanks for the feedback . I think K really enjoyed being assessed today and has boosted her confidence, so thank you for that . K will be using the ipad for this week so that will help with her dependency on the mouse. Just like to say that I am so happy with...
Mar 24, 2014 | Parent Reviews, Teacher Reviews
Just wanted to update you on xxxx! For the first time in his school career his reading age is ahead of his chronological age! He is confident in the classroom & his parents are thrilled with his progress, as are the school. – Cara Williams
Mar 24, 2014 | Parent Reviews, Teacher Reviews
Just wanted to update you on xxxx! For the first time in his school career his reading age is ahead of his chronological age! He is confident in the classroom & his parents are thrilled with his progress, as are the school. – Cara Williams