Jun 29, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We would like to say thanks very much for everything during the past year. We found your program to be extremely helpful to Tommaso (and now Sophia). If we look back over the past year – his progress, and more importantly – his confidence, is tremendous.... Jun 29, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I hope you are well. We have had quite a breakthrough with Phoebe over the last three weeks. In her routine (impromptu – not from memory) spelling tests at school, she has scored 12/14, 14/14 and 20/20 respectively, the school have recognised Phoebe for her... Jun 26, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I was just really excited this weekend. Lily started reading every sign as we drove to a nearby city! Every billboard and store name! It actually brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for this program. Jun 26, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Just to share with you Lucas’ progress in the reading assessment at school. In December, 2016 he had a DRA (development reading assessment) 28, equivalent at late second grade level. In March he was DRA 30. In June, DRA 40, equivalent at 4th grade level. He... Jun 26, 2017 | Parent Reviews
You’ve been amazing! With the help of EasyRead, Reese has learned to decode words and is becoming a reader, but there are some fluency issues. Thank you, we are eternally grateful for your program.