Jul 24, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Sophie is often reading happily by herself, enjoying humour books and she understands the need to slow down and decode longer unfamiliar words. J
Jul 24, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We love this program and have started to see progress with Kaden’s reading and sounding out words when we read together as a family.
Jul 23, 2017 | Parent Reviews
It is with great success that would like to cancel our subscription to Easyread. We feel that David’s reading, and to some degree spelling, has progressed beyond our expectations. He is now choosing and reading his own books independently, and seems to be...
Jul 23, 2017 | Parent Reviews
It has been interesting to watch the progress over the first part of the course. William found the first stage initially difficult to decode but has made steady progress. His normal reading maintained the same level. When we hit around lesson 50, what I observed was...
Jul 21, 2017 | Parent Reviews
JT’s last parent teacher conference at school was so positive, he has passed into “average” scores on the standardized testing they do and the teacher was really impressed with his progress! I don’t think he had one single AhHA moment but we...