Aug 9, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Yes – there is great improvement with Hunter and his reading – although we hadn’t been reading other books until very recently… He has enjoyed reading the Easyread book on space and we visited the planetarium in Greenwich last week to feed this...
Aug 7, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Alexander’s reading has improved immensely! We are extremely happy with his progress. He reads books so fast and fluent, we sometimes find it difficult to keep up with him. He doesn’t try to guess the text of the sentence anymore and only makes mistakes...
Aug 4, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We are so thankful to have found Easyread. The program has exceeded our expectations on so many different levels. Adelaide has progressed more in her 80 lessons since May then in 2 years of one on one help through her school. Her confidence is through the roof, which...
Aug 3, 2017 | Parent Reviews
……………….Amazing progress. The other online programs, imho, are junk food compared to Easyread. One thing that I think Easyread gets dead right: The bare bones graphics in the game are a terrific balance of just enough razzle dazzle...
Aug 2, 2017 | Parent Reviews
For Sam, the Easy Read program has been the program we’ve been searching for all of these years. He loves sounding out the symbols and in 6 weeks, he is reading. We spent years working with workbooks that showed pictures of words, so he was focused on the graphic and...