Sep 23, 2020 | Parent Reviews
Yeardley has really improved so much these last few months thanks to Easyread! After assessing her a few times, she is now reading above grade level, and her spelling has already improved so much. I cannot thank you all enough for your support and encouragement.... Sep 10, 2020 | Child Reviews
dear easyread thank you for getting me so fore and thank you for the helocopter i got it to day and i am all most great at it and i hop all kids that have disleseue find you gise you all are the best and thank you all so much.... Sep 9, 2020 | Parent Reviews
I cannot recommend this program highly enough. My son was deemed to be struggling with reading at school at 6/7yrs old. (in fact he just wasn’t the 2 yrs ahead that the prep school measured the boys at). After the 7 month program, he went on to read all the... Sep 9, 2020 | Parent Reviews
I would like to thank and congratulate you for the system you have created. She is more confident, and in reading her world has expanded. Truly a gift we are excited to continue to grow. –... Sep 8, 2020 | Parent Reviews
Hello! Our daughter, Lily was in the EasyRead program over a year ago. She continues to benefit from the program. She is a member of the GirlScouts and recently earned her Bronze Award. Part of earning the award is to give a short presentation on her project. She...