Feb 26, 2016 | Parent Reviews
He has been recognising words around him in the wider world, sides of lorries, front pages of magazines when we are in shops etc. He also picks up a book to flick through at night when I don’t have time to read to him and his brother. I think the system has...
Feb 26, 2016 | Parent Reviews
I have to say how amazed I am with all of this. Mya is already reading better, and best of all having more confidence. I gave her the option last night of not doing the EasyRead because we had gotten home late. She insisted that she wanted to do it anyway!! I am truly...
Feb 2, 2016 | Teacher Reviews
It is going really well – I have been really impressed! We have 4 boys doing Easyread at the moment. The youngest is in Year 2 and was really struggling with reading and writing. He has never been formally assessed but he has all the traits of Dyslexia. He is...
Jan 12, 2016 | Parent Reviews
“Just an update on Catherine who went through your programme a few years ago. Last night she (now aged 9) read a book (her reading group book from school) in 3 hours and would not stop reading it to go to sleep! The fact she didn’t want to stop, and read...
Dec 23, 2015 | Parent Reviews
Chloe seems to have made lots of progress and had gone from a child that the teacher was concerned about, to a great reader, I think she is losing interest in doing the easyread lessons and was considering stopping them soon as she has made so much progress