May 7, 2018 | Parent Reviews
I feel there is definitely an improvement in Islas confidence and in her ability to blend longer words. She remains happy to do easy read every day which is fantastic. May 7, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Last Thursday, Melina picked up a book that is 2nd grade level reading that is part of a series – and she has read through it and two more books in that series on her own. Reading comprehension is still tricky for her, I think, but she picks away at it! May 3, 2018 | Parent Reviews
We would like to let you know that we have decided to finish the program for Rusty. The program has been fantastic for us and has been the only thing that has seemed to get Rusty from where he was to where he is now. We are forever grateful for the lesson and time... May 3, 2018 | Parent Reviews
She has started reading words in her life – such as checking if a book title on our shelves says what she thinks it says. And she has been correct in her reading. She has an enormous sense of delight and pride when these moments happen. May 2, 2018 | Parent Reviews
The past lessons have been great. I am really noticing the difference with his reading and fluency. It used to be that I was the one helping him decode the books but now he beats me on almost every word! Even the fluency in his reading of a normal book has improved,... May 2, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Hav[ing] the trainer text to help with the different sounds that some letters make… really helps with the pronunciation of words. I also really like the short lessons. I think that this prevents Finn from getting tired and frustrated with the process. The... Apr 26, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Thank you so much for this program and all of your help. I hope that I can remain in contact. I wish you both continued success and, again, thank you for helping my daughter learn to decode, thus read. She now enjoys reading and her confidence and grades are soaring.... Apr 26, 2018 | Parent Reviews
My daughter’s been doing Easyread for about 6mths and it’s incredible how she’s developed. She loves reading now and reads aloud willingly and with confidence. I highly recommend the system. So much more effective than a private tutor once a week. In fact I’m about to... Apr 20, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Hello. We would like to hold off on a further subscription for A and A. My girls have both made tremendous strides. With the school year coming to a close they are showing less interest in the program and more interest in books! Yeah! Thank you! – D (lesson... Apr 16, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Dear Easy-Read Team, I wanted to say thank you for all you have done for my son Evan over these past 10 months or so. He has made great strides in reading fluency, which has also meant many fewer tears, much less frustration, and a better school experience. He’s... Apr 16, 2018 | Parent Reviews
I just want to say thank you so much for the awesome prize! the motivation for Sam has really sparked and he is really having fun with his lessons. i as a parent am absolutely loving seeing him succeed and having fun while doing it. thank you and so happy we have... Apr 13, 2018 | Parent Reviews
We are both so thankful for what you have done, and Grace has achieved so so much. It has been such a pleasure and such a great success seeing Grace thrive and be happy, – knowing she can now actually read without much difficulties. Grace loved your lessons and... Apr 11, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Hi. The helicopter has arrived! Thank you! We will now be stopping with Easyread and you have already stopped our payments, thank you. Easyread has been a lifesaver in terms of Scarlet’s difficulty with reading. She had absolutely no confidence academically and... Apr 10, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Today, Sophie picked up a book to read. Hooray! She persisted through for a solid 20 minutes. This was totally initiated by her. That’s progress. And, making her practice her spelling words for school is so much easier now that I can use the EasyRead characters... Apr 10, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Hi, I was just reading Millie her Pokemon chapter book and she asked if she could read some out loud herself! She has never asked that before! Yay – progress! We have finished her eye tracking exercises. We didn’t manage to do it 10 times a day but we did... Mar 14, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Amelie said to me today with a smile on her face “Mum, I’m reading and spelling words that I never could before. I wish I could do Easyread twice a day!”. It’s nice to see her making the connections so quickly. On Easyread she is seeing words... Mar 12, 2018 | Parent Reviews
OUTSTANDING! I am extremely happy with Abbie’s improvement, she is reading with confidence and sounding out difficult words without frustration. She voluntarily read six chapters of a book to herself last week! this has never happened, we are so proud. She still... Mar 12, 2018 | Parent Reviews
We are delighted that Elizabeth has reached the end of the course and having thought about it we would like to stop it there please. Let me know if I need to do anything else to cancel the subscription. I want to say a huge thank you to you and the team there for all...
Mar 8, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Mair continues to gain in confidence with her reading and a noticeable change is that she reads or attempts to read everything in sight, from advertising boards to street signs to little notes stuck to the computer. It’s delightful to watch her confidence and... Feb 28, 2018 | Parent Reviews
First I would like to thank you for helping our child with his reading difficulties and for all the support we got from you and all the easyreadstaff .I never thought I would find a solution for A’s reading difficulties, but our journey in easyread has been more...