Feb 15, 2016 | Parent Reviews
“David has a beautiful, modulated speaking voice that is easy to listen to and the continuous encouragement, interest, interaction and variety make the lessons speed by. Whereas other home speech therapy exercises I used to have to do with Anna were tedious in...
Feb 4, 2016 | Child Reviews, DM News Blog
Happy New Year one and all (a little late off the mark…)! We hope you’re excited for what the year has in store for you. What better way to start a new year than by celebrating the achievements of our secret agents in the last month of 2015? There were still...
Jan 29, 2016 | Child Reviews, DM News Blog
“I honestly don’t know where we’d be without Easyread. Within a few days of the trial period, Declan (my 7 year old) asked me, “How did they get to be so smart?” When I asked to whom and what was he referring, he answered, “The...
Jan 27, 2016 | DM Case Studies, DM News Blog
Sophie joined Easyread as a seven year-old, resistant to reading and with significant troubles in remembering spellings once the weekly school spelling test was done and dusted. As a result, she was becoming increasingly resistant to reading. Now, a year later, Sophie...
Jan 11, 2016 | Parent Reviews
“I can’t believe that Malcolm is almost done with the program. It has been such an amazing experience. I can’t thank you and your staff enough. When we started in June we were exhausted and frustrated from trying different techniques to improve...