Aug 25, 2015 | Parent Reviews
I have noticed this summer that A is really picking up on his reading and I can tell he is pretty proud of himself. He has basically improved an entire grade level in his reading in just 4 months. He is home-schooled this year in addition to 8 hours per week of a...
Aug 21, 2015 | Parent Reviews
I will also let you know that Sophie has received her Naplan results – which are very controversial in Australia – but we are very, very happy with her results. She has achieved above both the school and national average for her age in reading, persuasive...
Aug 21, 2015 | Parent Reviews
I have been very impressed with the set up of the easy read program. I like that it is repetitious and routine. My son always knows what to expect, which is important for him. Everything is going well! I LOVE this program!
Aug 18, 2015 | Parent Reviews
We have found [Easyread] absolutely amazing. The difference in F’s reading is unbelievable. He’s more confident, he’s happier and is more willing to read. He’s even been known to pick up a book and read it without being asked, simply because he...
Aug 12, 2015 | Parent Reviews
William has just finished Easyread. His reading has definitely improved and just yesterday he took himself to the school library at lunchtime and started reading a Zac Power book by himself. He finished it last night at home and read another one today. I am really...