May 31, 2018 | Child Reviews
Hi David thank and yes I will I am really ingoying it I am geting better at speling but stll get stuck on some words. – Isabel, lesson 27
May 24, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Thank you Lydia for our Skype lesson last night. It was great to check up on not only Max but how I was handling the lessons as I always double if I’m encouraging enough or doing the right thing to help Max the best I can. I also wanted to say a big thanks to...
May 22, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Hi, Finley has come to the end of the course and we are happy for him to receive the helicopter. Finley has enjoyed the course and it appears to have helped a great deal with his reading writing and decoding of words. His teacher at school has also recorded a big leap...
May 10, 2018 | Parent Reviews
We have seen a huge shift in her reading and attempting to read things! She is finally able to read her Year 1 English work (Still 2 years below her age but a big step forward!) gets tired quickly but can read it!!!!! She loves all the prizes and waiting for them come...
May 8, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Thanks for your mail,Roshil has indeed improved a lot in his free reading,there is still little bit of guessing in his free reading outside of the lessons as he tries to impress us with speed but when we remind him to look at it again he decodes it. There are some...