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After finishing the program…

Hi, I wanted to update you on how Rory is getting on after finishing Easyread. He is now a voracious reader and always has his head in a book. He has just finished the Percy Jackson series which we could never have imagined. He’s been assessed by the dyslexia...

So so very excited and happy!

I’m so, so very excited and happy. Emily had a writing assessment last week at school, and her results were fantastic, she did such an amazing job and her teacher was very pleased with her results. She is at and above her level. I really can’t believe it...

A big improvement in past 2 weeks

Yes, noticed a big improvement in just the past 2 weeks. He’s started decoding in his head. He’s definitely not guessing as much as he used to and he has started to decode words he sees outside of Easyread.