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Parent Reviews of Easyread

Our most recent reviews:

I just wanted to thank you and commend you…

I just wanted to thank you and commend you for the amazing program you have created and also the excellent prizes you award the children.
Oliver was so excited to receive his secret agent spy glasses and even more so knowing that they came from the country that the ‘real’ James Bond lives. This prize has given him an extra feeling of motivation and he has just completed Lesson 20 which feels like a milestone (for him and me!).
I am so grateful to have discovered the Easy Read program and the support you offer your participants. Ollie is now counting down to the next prize to arrive in our letterbox and his confidence and ability is growing every day.
Thank you so much,

Our review of Easyread

We are delighted with Easyread.

Things that I really liked about Easyread:
1) No claims that “Your child will be reading in one week!” Nobody should really believe those and I like that you stuck to your guns from the beginning about it being a process.

2) Focusing on the positive. Aeryn really wanted to learn how to read and was struggling no matter how much effort she put forth and it was very frustrating for me too. Focusing on positive feedback every step of the way made her much more willing to keep at it when it was hard and I liked the fact that I was her cheerleader instead of her enemy.

3) The Reading Difficulties training program. I took the whole thing and it was a better reading training than any training I had as I taught in public schools. Speaking of which, it said I could get a certificate when I completed it, but I couldn’t figure out how. Is that still possible?

4) The tailoring and assistance built into the program.

Aeryn said that she’s tickled that she can read now.

I just wanted to share Oscars progress.

I just wanted to share Oscars progress. Oscar loves to read the tree house story books by Andy Lee, and I caught him decoding for the first time ever the other night!!! I was so happy for him and proud of him.
Thank you, I really feel that the program is working well and we are going to see great results. Oscar is loving the games, especially fighter pilot.
We also received the first two rewards in the mail last week and yesterday. He thought the glasses were so cool!
thank you, thank you, thank you!!


We have been VERY happy with Georges progress

We have been VERY happy with Georges progress with the Easyread programme. Over the lockdown in NZ it was the perfect tool to help with his confidence and phonic awareness.

– N

I feel like magic is happening…

Yes, Angus seems to be doing really well…. in fact, i feel like magic is happening…. He really is starting to read quite well, even difficult words.

Huge improvements!

Yes, he has made huge improvements. His school reading assessment in February was level 4, his teacher assessed him last week, his reading level jumped to 12. Thanks so much to your system for this.

She’s doing great! We love the program…

She’s doing great! We love the program but it being summer and how well she’s doing for her age level we feel like she’s ok to move on. We can’t really afford it any longer so I’m glad it worked out as well as it has. She doesn’t get frustrated reading anymore which is wonderful, and I’ve studied her charts and I can see the improvements in every area.
Your program is great and I have recommended it on FB. Thank you again for everything. We went from struggling to exceeding expectations and her attitude towards reading is so great now. We will continue to read everyday and have the easyread characters to help her if she needs help.


He went up to top reading group in his class from bottom in 3 just months!

This course has helped Jack so much not only with his reading but also his concentration and confidence. He is always extremely proud of himself and how much he has achieved. The code word prizes are a bonus and kept him really engaged at the start when it was still very hard for him. He has gone from not being able to read or grasp the phonics approach taught in school to reading fluently. He went up to top reading group in his class from bottom in 3 just months! We are extremely pleased with the course and want to thank you for all your help throughout.

Elsa has made amazing progress and is well and truly at the level of her classmates and in the past 2 months has jumped from level 1 reading in class to level 6. We have a good idea now of her ongoing weak areas and what we need to keep working on (eye tracking mostly). Thank you so much for the support etc – we’ve found the program fantastic, and will definitely come back to it if we come across issues as Elsa gets older or if our 2 children to follow need any support.

– R

I just thought I’d share some news with you…

I just thought I’d share some news with you, as we seem to have turned a corner \0/

This past weekend, Tristin was writing for his own pleasure, a sight I haven’t seen since kindergarten scribbles, and it absolutely made my heart sing! He was even ‘taking notes’ as he watched television. Our house is covered in post-it notes at the moment, with messages and notes from Tristin everywhere 😀

I attribute this to his new confidence in phonics and reading skills gained through your programme. As we drove around town, he tried to read shop names, road names…he tries to read anything he comes across now, out of his own desire.

Also, he finally received all of his prizes at once this weekend, he was delighted. He told his dad that ‘they (the easyread team) must really think that he is a spy’ 😀

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts…

Easy Read has been a fantastic educational system, our son Josh has for years battled to get going with his reading. Since taking part in the Easy read program he has not only improved but is reading independently and loving it. This would not have been possible without your program.

As parents be are thrilled that Easy Read, flipped the switch and managed via your well thought out program to build those valuable connections via decoding and building pathways, Josh is soaring and loves reading.

It feels bitter sweet to let you know that he will finish up next week when his current month is over as we are thrilled that he has reached this level but sad to say goodbye. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, your system and your team have been brilliant and the reading journey with you all has be amazing.

We are having fantastic success with the program…

We are having fantastic success with the program. I couldn’t be happier. Every night, when my wife prepares dinner we do easy read. Recently we missed our first day after 30 or so lessons, and Alex asked the next morning, “why didn’t we do easy read?”
You and your people are truly changing the world, at least for my son.
Alex recently confided in me that his hope when he returns to school is to not have to go for ‘ special reading group ‘ …and I really think that is going to happen.
From my wife, Alex and I,

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you


Maximus has made amazing progress…

Maximus has made amazing progress in his reading. He literally could not read at all when he started and now he is reading signs all around him, subtitles on tv and books. I am very happy with his progress.

– J

I cannot believe it!

Today for the first time, he read a four paragraph passage about penguins, ostriches and kiwis almost entirely independently. I cannot believe it! I recorded it. When we started he didn’t even have 25 “sight words” consistently.

Thank you soooo much!

– E

He is finally finding the joy of reading…

What we love: from the outset the books have been interesting – not just ponies and the standard school stuff! Merry loves non fiction in particular so the books on inventions, animals and the ocean have fascinated both him and us. It’s great for Merry to be able to access these as it is harder to find printed books of this nature which are at his level but engage his thirst for information.

We really like the characters and the rhythms that make them. Merry’s 4 year old sister is interested in them and wants to know when she can start Easyread so we talk through the characters with her.

The Easyread team have always been helpful in helping to resolve any concerns.

I have found the training for parents fascinating in understanding the differences in how the brain works and the effect on learning to read.

We have enjoyed Easyread and seen such progress as we would barely have believed at the start. Seeing Merry sit and read to his sister is like beautiful music. He is finally finding the joy of reading, rather than just the hard slog. We are very grateful indeed to the Easyread team.

I have a happy girl…

My mum hadn’t heard her read for a while and noticed a great change not only with blending but also in her confidence in wanting to read. I know it is early days a long way to go but I have a happy girl who I can see growing in every aspect of school work. Quite amazing!

2 years reading age gain!

In early September at school Sebastian scored a reading age of six years and four months. When they tested him again in February he had reached eight years and two months, which was his exact age at the time. The teachers told us (they usually don\’t mention these tests, and do them informally) as they were so impressed. So we\’re very happy with everything, especially as Sebastian has so much more confidence regarding his reading now. That is even more important than his reading age. 🙂


We have made it!

So, we have made it to the final codeword. It feels like quite a moment.

Thank you so much for the support that you have shown us through Darcey’s reading journey.

It has been really helpful to have a simple routine of trying to do one lesson a day and to have someone to give us tips and support Darcey when times were harder. Even when Darcey was slightly resistant to the lessons, her objections were no where near what we experienced when we were teaching her alone and the progress she has made has been excellent.

We are happy to accept responsibility for the flying helicopter with all its moving parts and batteries etc – we look forward to receiving the final codeword.

With huge thanks and the hope that you are all keeping well at this time.


Completely in awe of the results achieved.

We are so pleased with what a proficient reader she has become through this program – completely in awe of the results achieved. Cannot thank-you enough for your program.

– I

Surprised his teachers!

Thank you. This course has been amazing for Athol his progress has been superb. The course has brought him on much quicker than he has at school in the time he has been there (5yrs, quite shocking really). I think he has even surprised his teachers.

I have been waiting for this milestone for many years!

We are beyond blessed that our friend, Stephanie, shared her child’s experience with Easyread when I was voicing my concerns for Avery’s lack of reading progress. I’ll admit I had my reservations about trying another approach, but I truly appreciated the 10 lesson trial and money back guarantee if it didn’t work..

Celebration moment: Yesterday, I was so happy when Avery did a fantastic job reading a postcard he received in the mail from his church leader. I have been waiting for this milestone for many years!

Feedback: Thank you for the creative games in Easyread . Avery absolutely loves Spell Drive! As a mom, I appreciate the visual tracking practice incorporated into the spelling lesson.

Thanks for all you do!

To all the lovely people that we have worked with at Easyread

To all the lovely people that we have worked with at Easyread. I can not even begin to express how thankful I am that we found your program when we did. Zavier is ready to move past the program now and is really excited about the book that we are currently reading together. We had been so looking forward to catching up in person when we visited the UK in June but obviously this is not possible now. So I would just like to say again, how much we have appreciated the program and all the fun games.

I couldn’t find a cancellation button so I thought I would just write a message.


What an amazing journey it has been

What an amazing journey it has been for her and us. I really do not want to think how her reading would be today if we had not discovered EasyRead. We are so proud of the improvement that she has made in her reading. The journey certainly has not been easy for her, but thanks to the fun components of the EasyRead program, a lot of effort and encouragement she has gotten there. Sarie now likes reading and is confident enough to sit down and read to herself. We are happy to stop her subscription to the EasyRead program and look forward to her receiving her last code for the helicopter.

Kind regards,

Really exciting changes…

I just wanted to let you know that in the last week we have seen a really exciting change in Merry’s approach to reading. He is picking up books (Guinness Book of World Records, in particular) and reading short bits without any prompting from us and reading some more complex words. I am SOOOOOOOOO proud of the commitment and effort that he has put into his reading, it has been a long and often tough road for him (with the school’s traditional phonics approach) but he has finally got to that place where it’s all starting to make sense and more naturally coming together. EasyRead has played a very important part in this, changing his approach and attitude to reading and giving him a route in which is fun and works more easily with the way his brain works.

I thought a little bit of good news at the moment is particularly important. Hope you, your family and the EasyRead team stay safe and well.


We would like to cancel our subscription…

We would like to cancel our subscription for James please. It has been extremely worthwhile doing the lessons for James and we have seen huge leaps forward. So much so that he is reading much better now and reads by himself without prompting.

James is now keeping up with his class standard, and current homework from school which was the aim when we started.

Thank you for the great support and exciting results.

– L & R
