Parent Reviews of Easyread
Our most recent reviews:
He has amazed us all… just as you said he would
Dear Sarah and team,
I am writing to request our time with easy read ends. Following the arrival of the helicopters (which is excellent and enjoyed by all in our family) James has been reluctant to continue with the lessons. I think for him the helicopters marked the end of all his hard work and he expressed a wish to finish. As you know I was concerned about this and really wanted to continue as your lessons have been great at engaging James.
I told him we needed to continue with easy read until he was able to transfer to reading books, which we would need to read everyday. He agreed and we bought some Bear Grylls survival stories.
He has amazed us all by reading 3 pages every day and although he reads slowly and steadily each time with fewer guesses and more fluently.
He is extremely pleased with himself too which is great to see.
So thank you to all at easy read I have learnt so much and my beautiful boy can read just as you said he would.
Best wishes
She now chooses to read for fun!
Amelie completed her last lesson today and I would like to give approval for her to receive the helicopter.
Both Rick and I are thrilled with Amelie’s progress on Easyread. She now chooses to read for fun which is certainly a huge difference from the little girl who resisted reading before starting the program. She has a great library of books that we have added to over the year, as encouragement for her progress, and she will now stop Easyread and continue to read to us and on her own.
Thank you so much for helping us to encourage a little lifelong reader.
– S
Its been wonderful to see him come so far, so fast.
Monty would love to continue Easyread so we’ll keep going, at least until the end of the year.
Its been wonderful to see him come so far, so fast. From a little boy who struggled with phonics, which seems to be the exclusive method for australian literacy education available here, to a child who is beginning to read for pleasure, choosing his own books at the library and off the shelves at home. He’s been counting down his last few Easyread lessons, with tears in his eyes this morning, as it was the last one.
So thank you and your team so much.We’ll be happy to continue for the time being.
– K
My husband and I cannot believe the progress that Molly has made in just a short time.
I just wanted to say that my husband and I cannot believe the progress that Molly has made in just a short time. Today Molly sat and read a 110 page chapter book cover to cover in about 3 hours. Reading quite a lot of it out loud with great fluency and next to no mistakes, sounding out complex words when needed. What a difference.
She was a child that was barely decoding, for whom reading the words was hard enough, let alone comprehending them. She is at the reading level expected for her age according to school, but we just really felt such a lack of change in the past two years with fluency and comprehension and still guessing and mixing up easy words, that I saw the ad for Easy Read, read up on it, it all made so much sense that we gave it a shot.
She loves it, the results after only 20 lessons are already apparent. I have got more of the series of the book she just finished and loved to really improve her confidence. Can’t wait to see what the results will be at the end of the course.
Thank you.
– I (Lesson 20)
Teacher sees remarkable improvement!
I spoke to Ryan’s teacher today and she mentioned that she has noticed a remarkable improvement in Ryan’s reading and decoding. She wants me to get her more information on the program you have for schools so that she can know how to help other children in Ryan’s class with the same reading challenges!
The only thing we tried that didn’t cause stress!
Thank you so much for designing such a great system, it was the only thing we tried that didn’t leave Lacey stressed out, and feeling defeated.
She has come on so much and I have no doubts that is down to this system. As a home educator I speak to lots of other families within them Home-Ed community and always recommend your product when a child is struggling with reading.
Thank you very very much for helping my daughter…
Thank you very very much for helping my daughter, Taara, become a better reader. The teacher at her school has indicated that next year she will be in line with her grade level and in fact, put into a slightly tougher reading class.
She has a lot more to read now through her school program. As a result, we are finding she has less and less need for Easyread.
Please cancel her account.
Thank you again for all that the system has done for bringing her up to her current reading level!
– M
She is 10 so I was concerned she might think it was to babyish…
Q – What have you liked best about the system so far?
A – Molly’s eagerness to do the lessons everyday. She is 10 so I was concerned she might think it was to babyish or that it would feel like more homework, but she loves it and asks to do it. I am already seeing her sound out words in the games and in other reading which she never did before. The parent training is invaluable and so helpful and the constant contact is excellent as even though we are in Australia I feel you are at hand to help anytime we need it. Thank-you!
– I
“I’m learning to read Mummy, I’m actually learning to read!”
Charlie is getting on really well with his reading now. He read bits from the back of the Cheerio box for fun at breakfast the other day and has started to try to read things like signs when we are out and about!
He read something on the telly the other day and said “I’m learning to read Mummy, I’m actually leaning to read!” I am thrilled!!
– V
Harriet has started reading to herself in the evening before bedtime …
Unprompted, Harriet has started reading to herself in the evening before bedtime (something that she would never previously have done, even with encouragement) and wakes up on the morning excited by what she’s read the night before, and keen to tell us all about. Her emerging pleasure in reading has been the biggest success of this whole process.
– C (Lesson 65)
Thanks for all your support and training help.
Sam’s prize of the spy glasses arrived yesterday and he absolutely loves them. Perfect timing as he and his sister and his friends have been playing spies lately. Sam asked me to send a message to you to say thank you for his prize as he loved receiving it so much.
Thanks for all your support and training help.
– R
To say we are proud is a understatement.
Thanks for that message. It is great to hear that he is making progress. He has just finished reading a ‘Hey Jack’ chapter book with minimal assistance so to say we are proud is a understatement.
Looking forward to reaching that finish line.. I think HE can finally see that the work he is putting in is really having a positive affect and that is priceless.
– M
We can’t tell you how much this has positively rocked his world.
We are closing in on the finish, and Gabriel has become focussed on the end and much more into reading and not so much the games. This, I think is only because of time, he finishes school late so often we do Easyread later than we would like to. Anyway, I thought that he would want to leave it at the natural -this-is-what-we’ve-been-working-to sort of end, but NO! He would like, and quite categorically, to continue…
I never saw that coming
We are delighted and I am really shocked too, ” ‘Course I wanna keep doing it mum, I’d miss it”.
Isn’t that great!?
We can’t tell you how much this has positively rocked his world. He is not the weakest reader in the class anymore, and his teacher told us this. He is confident and silently proud.
– P
I can already see the confidence growing within him…
I forgot to mention in the last message that Will is really enjoying the Easyread system and he just informed me that he has even drawn on the trainer text knowledge at school to help with his spelling!
I can already see the confidence growing within him each day when we are completing lessons.
Thank you very much Easyread.
– K
I am a teacher and it is so different to anything I have come across…
I didn’t anticipate how helpful the pictures for the sounds would actually be. Continually saying “sound it out” when the letter sound combinations can be so different and complex was frustrating for her and me! Now, if she gets stuck on a word I can often say what sound does that combination makes ie oo on the moon, ook with a book etc.
I am a teacher and it is so different to anything I have come across. We had tried all the traditional methods with Grace but she was still struggling. This was helped immensely. I can see such an improvement even in this short period.
I love the daily lesson concept – it is not like reading eggs where you just keep going and going. It allowed us to establish a daily reading routine which was something we were lacking. Now that she is so much more confident and a better reading our casual reading has become so much more enjoyable and less stressful.
– K
She now WANTS to read and has started reading by herself whenever she can.
Kallie has really benefited from using Easyread such that she now WANTS to read and has started reading by herself whenever she can. This is a huge improvement from where she was when we started.
We would like to thank you for your support and will definitely recommend you to any one else whose child is having difficulties.
– K
Simply amazing …
We are now on lesson 88 and the improvement in Evan’s reading is amazing. He is now reading with ease and fluency and has no trouble at all reading the books in the Easyread library. He is also starting to read chapter books at home for enjoyment and is easily completing the school reading books.
My mum, who is a primary school teacher and had not heard Evan read since Christmas (we live overseas and are back in the UK for Easter) was also amazed with his progress, and whilst he has not been officially tested again, said she felt his ready ability was now well within his age range.
The school are also very happy with his progress and on his last school report (issued in Feb) he was assessed as ‘achieving’ in literacy. So I am satisfied there is genuine progress and I am sure Easyread is to thank for this!
Did I just read that? Wow!
Hugo’s reading is going really well. The biggest change I have noticed recently is that he has a bigger repertoire of possible pronunciations for a given diagraph / trigraph, so that when he sounds out a difficult word which doesn’t make sense the way he has pronounced it, he can go back and find a different pronunciation until it sounds like a word that makes sense!
His reading of questions in workbooks is also improving so that he can actually understand what is being asked of him in an exercise!
Now he will also read out something on a newspaper or a sign out and about and then look at us and say “Did I just read that? I didn’t even think about it. Wow! is that what it’s like when you read? No wonder you find it so easy!”
– C
She sees herself as a reader – and is reading books every night at bed time.
The programme has been central to the progress Georgina has made in reading. She sees herself as a reader – and is reading books every night at bed time. I feel that to make further progress now she just needs to read lots and lots and lots! We have so many books at home that have sat on the shelf unread for years – and now Georgina is reading them. It is amazing! Thank you Easy Read for changing our daughter’s life!
– P
Shocked at his test results!
Luca is on lesson 170 and has been working so hard in Easyread since we started. I have been so proud of him and have enjoyed seeing his reading develop.
We had parents evening this week so I was intrigued to see what difference it was making at school. His teacher told us his latest test results which as standardised results were 106 for maths and a whopping 118 for Reading. I was in shock when the teacher told me. I asked her for his results from the beginning of the year, they were maths 95 and reading 91! What a leap upwards. Luca said he thought he didn’t do all that well in the test because it felt quite easy! Easyread!
I am so grateful that I found your programme. I can also see that his confidence is developing alongside his reading. So nice to see. I was quite worried about him at the beginning of the year but now I don’t feel I have to.
Can you create easyhandwriting next?
– M
We are delighted with Like’s progress on the Easy Read system.
We are delighted with Like’s progress on the Easy Read system.
We feel that he has now reached his age – appropriate reading level and we are sure that this is largely thanks to Easy Read.
Your program has been engaging and fun for Luke and your support for us ( his parents) has been wonderful.
We would love to be able to rate you 5 XXXXX !
We are now happy to discontinue with the program and we ask that no further subscription payments be charged to us.
– L and L
She’s 3 days in & LOVING the programme
Thanks very much for a wonderful & engaging programme. She’s 3 days in & LOVING the programme. She said tonight ‘I thought this was going to be another boring thing like Bug Club, but I really love this Mum & I’m definitely getting more confident.’
– K
Truly impressive change in such a short time!
We were lucky enough to start Easyread when my son Dmitry has just turned 6. It was brought to our attention by his teacher that he was several levels behind in his reading and comprehension skills compared to where he should be for a grade 1 student (he is one of the youngest in the class, but nonetheless). I started to search for ways to help him, and that is when I came across the video where David talks about bright kids guessing words. Sounded just like Dmitry. I showed the video to my husband, and we signed up for the trial the next day. We are now about 5 months into the program and have seen great improvement. Not only does Dmitry read age appropriate books with minimal help, he started to read labels at the stores, dialogues in video games and such. Today we got a call from Dmitry’s teacher advising us that he has had another assessment and his reading and comprehension skills are now on par with age standards and he is doing exceptionally well! Truly impressive change in such a short time! We are continuing with Easyread, as he still guesses words at times and I believe improvement will continue. Another benefit of Easyread I noticed was that decoding and sound blending skills are transferrable to another language. Dmitry is regularly exposed to a second language, I tried to teach him reading before but it wasn’t clicking. Tried again about 3 months into Easyread and he is now easily putting sounds into words! Easyread has been easy to follow; it was a bit of a time commitment in the beginning due to parent training but after that 15 minutes a day is all it takes. I do find the lesson goes smoother when Dmitry is not tired but even after a busy day at school we can still find the time and energy to do it. He gets very excited when he gets messages from David and prizes in mail. This has been well worth the money, and such a great help for full time working parents. Thank you Easyread!
– E
Great news…
Great news. I am seeing an improvement in the fluency of his reading and his ability to decode words he isn’t familiar with. He is also showing more interest in trying to read books, signs, labels etc. Thank you for this support and programme-if it continues to develop his reading as it is and gives him a love of books, I will be forever grateful.
I can’t thank your team enough for all she has achieved.
We have finally finished!
She has improved with her reading in the last two months by 5 readers to reach a level 20 which is beyond our expectations and her spelling has improved in her writing but formal spelling test are still an issue. We will take a pause from easy read and see if she continues to improve.
I cant thank your team enough for all she has achieved.
– N