Jan 9, 2019 | Parent Reviews
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year we are back now after the holidays and might i add thank you for our best Christmas present. Richard is now able to read lots of his text messages and text chat on his console. He had a brilliant time because he wasn’t having...
Nov 16, 2018 | DM Case Studies
Case Studies View All Case Studies Grangger: Discouragement and frustration are no longer a part of his reading. The Backstory My son has always struggled with reading, he could read smoothly if it was a level without difficult words but when challenging words would...
Nov 8, 2018 | Parent Reviews
We are indeed thrilled with R’s progress. His reading is more confident and smooth, and his misspellings are much more reasonable and expected. “Who” (previously known to him as “hoow”) and other sight words always used to be sounded out...
Oct 18, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Kyle has dyslexia and struggled with reading and spelling. The school system didn’t know how to meet Kyle where he was at and Kyle was very quickly being left behind in these areas. This caused Kyle to have very low self esteem and little confidence in his...
Oct 1, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Yes, you have delivered on your promise of clear reading progress by lesson 90. I can see it in all sorts of places. She is suddenly reading the smaller print Ladybird readers that are more mystery stories and smaller print with much more fluency. She is reading...