Jul 26, 2018 | DM Case Studies
Case Studies View All Case Studies Holly: Spelling upside down, vision issues, and tantrums over reading What were the struggles before Easyread? We were first aware of Holly’s vision difficulties at the age of 3 and a half. The problem has been getting her...
Jul 25, 2018 | Parent Reviews
I did not want to leave before taking the time to thank you for this program and how it has transformed our son’s reading ability. I found you almost by accident. I was frustrated with the continued lack of growth we were seeing in our son’s reading and...
Jul 24, 2018 | Parent Reviews
I also wanted to send through a bit of feedback. Hugo’s reading was tested today for the first time since starting Easyread (he commenced the trial in the last week of term, then had two weeks holiday). His teacher was a bit hesitant when I first spoke to her...
Jul 24, 2018 | Parent Reviews
Thought you might like to know…we had a playdate recently and the mum lent me 2 books from her child’s collection. I hadn’t even realised how many “series” were out there now. She read Dork Diaries fairly recently. She just asked for some...
Jul 23, 2018 | Parent Reviews
His reading has certainly taken off. He has started reading me a couple of chapters of some of the Barrington-Stoke ‘Little Gems’ books everyday. Last week he read me ‘Grandpa was an Astronaut’ by Jonathan Meres .This week he is reading...