Parent Reviews of Easyread
Our most recent reviews:
Our friends are amazed at his progress
It depends on the book, sometimes there are words that we need to explain, but I think he understands more and more each day. I love this program. Every Saturday our friend Kelly comes to us to help Benji learn reading and writing and she is amazed by the progress that he has made because of this method. Thank you.
We are so thankful to have found Easy Read – it really has been life changing.
A break through came a couple of weeks ago when she asked to read a chapter of the Demon Dentist (current bed time story!). I wasn’t there but her dad videoed it – It took half an hour – she was determined. She needed help with several words but would never have attempted this before we started Easy Read. It was an emotional moment for all of us. She has since read more chapters or shared the reading. She is also just reading more when we are out and about which is great! She has even read aloud to her friends in her class – big step forward. We are delighted with her progress but what’s even better is that Georgina can see the difference Easy Read has made, and is making to her reading.
We are so thankful to have found Easy Read – it really has been life changing.
– P
No drama anymore…
It’s fantastic. Really noticing a difference with Cameron’s reading. If he is unsure of a word, he now breaks it down and logically sounds it out. He still really enjoys the sessions and there is no drama getting him to sit down and do his daily session!
Ben loves the lessons and wants to continue Easyread forever…
The lessons have been going really well!
Ben loves them and wants to continue Easyread forever. He has suddenly taken to reading and has been picking up chapter books to read at night.
He won’t stop reading until he is too tired, and needs to sleep.
– T
I am delighted in James progress…
I am delighted in James progress. He still clearly finds it hard work, but he is definitely offering to read, which he hadn’t done before and is transferring his ability to read to books. When I am reading a bedtime story to his brother, James asked to read the last sentence on every page. He followed my reading then finished off the page. It was fantastic to hear him, he was overjoyed with his success! As were we!!
James was keen too to show the work he is doing to his class teacher. I have therefore arranged a session with his teacher where we will do a easy read lesson with him. James is looking forward to teaching his teacher about the package!! I will let you know how it goes, and will certainly promote the package you are offering.
Thank you to you and the team for this amazing program.
Thank you to you and the team for this amazing program. The fact that Taran is feeling more confident in himself and will voluntarily pick up a book and start reading is an amazing testament to the amount of work that you have all put in to establishing this.
The calls and message system are more than what I was expecting and have been priceless in being able to speak to someone about it all.
We really appreciate everything you ave done for us and for being an amazing contact person.
Best wishes for the continuation of the program.
– T
The gift of reading
I will need to cancel my subscription before the next payment is due. This is mainly due to the fact that Maisie is doing well at her reading and is now reading books outside of easy read (which was my aim). That coupled with the fact that her spelling will come with the reading in time and the fact that the subscription, albeit great value for the gift of reading, is probably too much to pay now that our main goal is achieved and she is reaching her age related milestones. Should she dip we can use our techniques but I want to look at her reading story books now and decoding them. We will continue to use the principles.
Thank you for all that your programme has done, it really has made such a difference.
The Easyread approach is so different, painless and entertaining…
As you can imagine we are all thrilled that Ava has completed Easyread. We have decided not to continue (so please cancel our payments), but Ava will continue to read every day so that her reading continues to improve. We have borrowed Alice in Wonderland as an ebook from the library so we can increase the font size, and Ava is happy she will be able to read the rest of the book she started in Easyread.
I wanted to say a big thank you to you, David, and the rest of the team for your support throughout the program. Ava’s reading has improved so much. We have tried many things to help Ava read, and this is the only thing that has worked.
The Easyread approach is so different, painless and entertaining, which is in stark contrast to the other reading systems we investigated.
Ava previously avoided reading, but now she has the confidence and the skills to decode even difficult words. This has reduced the barriers to her broader learning so much, and reduced her frustration.
David should feel very proud that the wonderful program he developed helps so many children. We are so thankful we discovered Easyread.
We will continue to highly recommend Easyread to any parent whose child is struggling to read.
Many thanks again,
– E
I’d just like to say that Charlie will finish with easy read at the end of this month…
I’d just like to say that Charlie will finish with easy read at the end of this month when he reaches 100 lessons. We are so pleased with his progress and commitment and with all your support. It has been a push this last few weeks as he nears the end of his school year and he’s happy to reach 100 lessons but we’ve agreed he can stop there. He is actually picking up books and reading them of his own accord and really enjoying it, that’s all thanks to Easyread!!! His teacher came to me today to say he had improved 4 levels in his reading too!
– L
What an amazing achievement
I recently had a parents evening at school and the overall improvement in spelling was huge. I was so proud of Luke and thanking my lucky stars we found the Easyread system.
The new teacher said she hadn’t noticed any problems with Luke’s reading aloud in class, other than he was a little quiet. What an amazing achievement.
We will carry on doing the same and look forward to more and more great results.
Extremely beneficial!
We are happy with the progress and the course has been extremely beneficial so much so we have told many other parents who have kids in a similar position as Ben of the benefits of Easyread. We are going to give it a break with the possibility of coming back if we feel Ben is not progressign further.
Thanks for all your help with Ben, myself and Lysa really appreciate it!
We had Gerogina’s last teacher interview for the school year last week…
We had Gerogina’s last teacher interview for the school year last week.
She started grade three with the reading ability of a mid grade one. We now have a reading ability of her peers in the bottom of the year threes, I truly believe that this was Easy read that got us back level (if not better than) her peers.
Thank you
– C
I am writing this most happy email to ask that you cancel…
We have had a great week with Callum’s attitude to reading…
We have had a great week with Callum’s attitude to reading some books of his own choice at home. He has a series of books called “Bad Guys” by Aaron Blabey, they are a bit like a comic, but he actually wants to read them, yay. The past couple of nights he has asked if he could read them to me, amazing! And tonight when I said ok, lights out, time for sleep he said “I love reading” – even more amazing!
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to make our own light at the end of the tunnel.
– N
Beyond what I could have imagined
I also wanted to let you know that Elias has been doing amazingly well at home with his reading. He now picks up simple readers when we go to the library and sits at home on the couch reading them aloud to his little brother and to me. He is always reading signage and cereal boxes and yesterday sat down and spelled out the word potato on paper perfectly. Really he is doing beyond what I could ever have imagined a few months ago.
Thank you so much for all your help…
Just need to cancel our easy read for now. It has been an amazing help. Thank you so much for all your help. Connors reading has already brought him up to expected level, it has increased his confidence & enjoyment in reading & spelling.
– N
A resounding success.
I believe that we are now in a position to stop our EasyRead subscription. Since the last checkup, I confirmed that F has turned a corner with his decoding, and is much more comfortable with reading generally, this has just got better since as well and has clearly made progress with the reading we do outside of Easyread. It has therefore been a resounding success and a great boost for him, and he should be proud of himself. I would like to thank you for the service and the lessons and the help that you have been for F during his lessons.
– C
In the last month he has received 2 star writer awards at school.
Hi there, I would like to cancel our subscription to Easy Read. M is now reading pages of texts freely and is choosing to read his school and own books to me in place of Easy Read.
I am delighted with this progress and his teachers are very pleased with how he has progressed and the level he is now reaching consistently at school with his literacy. In fact in the last month he has received 2 star writer awards at school.
Thanks again to the team for helping us improve M’s literacy, which has also improved his confidence in many other areas too 🙂
– S
I write this with tears in my eyes…
Chelsea had an huge achievement last week. When she started easy read she was on level 7 (pm readers) she slowly climbed to 10 and then to 11. In the last week Chelsea has been graded a 15 ! You should have seen her smile. She achieved all she was expected to achieve at year one in her school and she finally was PROUD of herself. I write this with tears in my eyes as the difference this program has made for her is beyond anything I was ever expecting.
We both can’t thank you enough.
– N
She looked up at me and said: “I guess I CAN read.”
I wanted to share with you all that Lily has been saying for some time that she can’t read, even as she’s been learning how to. This morning, after our lesson, I handed her one of her books and asked her to read a story to me. At first, she just wanted to read one page. But I encouraged her to try the whole thing. So, she read the whole story to me. We had to work through a few words, but halfway through the story, she looked up at me and said: “I guess I CAN read.” She asked me not to make a big deal, so I feigned a very casual response, which made her laugh.
It has been so wonderful to see her confidence continue to grow and to see her become more and more certain that she can read. She has worked so hard. And we are grateful for your program and support.
When I told her that she is now capable of reading the entire picture book section at the library, she skipped and said “yay!”
Thank you so much for creating this program! We really appreciate everything that you do.
– A
I am so thankful to have been part of this program.
We are indeed thrilled with R’s progress. His reading is more confident and smooth, and his misspellings are much more reasonable and expected. “Who” (previously known to him as “hoow”) and other sight words always used to be sounded out when writing, no matter how many times he could pass a spelling test with the troublesome words on them. When writing what he was thinking about he would revert to writing everything by sounding it out, according to his own phonetic logic. The help that Easy Read has provided has really helped him align his phonetic logic with the rest of the English language, and he’s been exposed to the sight words over and over so that they seem to have finally set in. I am so thankful to have been part of this program.
– B
I’m just writing to let you know Max will be finishing up with…
I’m just writing to let you know Max will be finishing up with the Easyread program. And ask if his subscription can please be cancelled.
We are so proud of how far Max has come in his reading and spelling. It’s truly unbelievable the difference this program has done for him. From not being able to read basic books to happily picking out chapter books is amazing.
I’d like to say a massive thank you to the team at Easyread. We will ever be grateful for what this amazing program and all the wonderful staff has done for him.
We now look forward to seeing the amazing results we know this program achieves with our other son.
Please let me know if there are any problems.
– S
We are thrilled that Axl is continuing to work through this program…
We are thrilled that Axl is continuing to work through this program. We as parents are very happy with the progress we’ve seen so far. We will continue to encourage rereading the phrases that aren’t fluent and keep our fingers crossed that his progress continues!
– C
Delighted so far
My son was struggling to learn to read based on the techniques used in school and even with extra reading with me each day over the summer he didn’t seem to be progressing as I had hoped. Also his confidence was affected. He was very keen to be able to read but he didn’t enjoy it. He just wanted to be able to read like his friends. I wanted to find something fun to help him and I happened upon Easyread and having checked out reviews I decided it was worth giving it a go!
I am delighted with my sons progress so far. We have been doing it everyday for the past two months and I can see that his confidence has improved and he is becoming more fluent at his reading. He enjoys the games and looks forward to the rewards too. We will keep it up and see where it takes us now for his spelling as well as continuing to improve his reading fluency. His teacher has noticed the improvement in his reading also. I would certainly recommend this system to anyone looking for a fun way to engage a child in learning to read.
He is offering to read words in bedtime stories!
I feel we are making steady progress, and I am delighted to see James offering to read words when we are out or within bedtime stories. This really is significant as if asked before he would of resisted and complained quite alot!