Jul 31, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Nothing we have done (and we’ve tried A LOT of tools/methods) has worked as quickly or as well as EasyRead. His progress is astonishing, particularly that he’s not fighting and miserable about it! H Jul 28, 2017 | Parent Reviews
She is loving it so far and can hardly wait for her prize to arrive. I will be upgrading to the full subscription soon. I am excited to see growth in her skills and confidence. Thanks so much! Jul 28, 2017 | Parent Reviews
To everyone at Easyread, you have no idea how much you have improved Liam’s life. He now willingly reads in class, he reads a menu when we go to restaurants and more importantly he understand what he is reading. He is now asking me questions about stories,... Jul 28, 2017 | Parent Reviews
During a recent chat with Alex’s teacher she commented that he was not progressing with their phonics programme but his reading was improving. Presumably I need to try and explain that traditional phonics isn’t working for ALex but as his reading is... Jul 26, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I don\’t know how many book reviews you get, but Steyr (age 7) was SUPER motivated to read the Cool Cars book on the second shelf. We even Googled the Lycan afterwards. Terrific stuff! Loved it! Thank you! Jul 26, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We have enjoyed the program and highly recommend it to our family and homeschool community. Coleman gives the program two thumbs up for being fun and enjoyed all of the book choices in the library. As the parent, I am pleased that we got more from the program than we... Jul 25, 2017 | Parent Reviews
This is Jennie. Just want to say how much we have enjoyed the Easyread program this year. It has been a tough year for Kadyn and I but your program has been a Godesend. I am so proud of Kadyn. She has worked so hard and she is reading so well now!!! I highly recommend... Jul 25, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We think Phoebe has made excellent progress and coinciding with our summer holidays we are going to conclude her lessons this week. We’ve been really impressed with the progress made, Phoebe has made so much progress that she seems to now be finding the lessons... Jul 25, 2017 | Parent Reviews
It is much more fun than I was expecting and Harriet loves it much more than I could have hoped. I have complete confidence that you will be able to deliver on your promise provided we put the work in on this end too. The fact that you were able to describe the... Jul 24, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Sophie is often reading happily by herself, enjoying humour books and she understands the need to slow down and decode longer unfamiliar words. J Jul 24, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We love this program and have started to see progress with Kaden’s reading and sounding out words when we read together as a family. Jul 23, 2017 | Parent Reviews
It is with great success that would like to cancel our subscription to Easyread. We feel that David’s reading, and to some degree spelling, has progressed beyond our expectations. He is now choosing and reading his own books independently, and seems to be... Jul 23, 2017 | Parent Reviews
It has been interesting to watch the progress over the first part of the course. William found the first stage initially difficult to decode but has made steady progress. His normal reading maintained the same level. When we hit around lesson 50, what I observed was... Jul 21, 2017 | Parent Reviews
JT’s last parent teacher conference at school was so positive, he has passed into “average” scores on the standardized testing they do and the teacher was really impressed with his progress! I don’t think he had one single AhHA moment but we... Jul 21, 2017 | Parent Reviews
The program so far is fantastic. Rusty is asking to do the program daily which is a huge change to me hassling him to do anything. He is finding more confidence in his own abilities and even picked up a chapter book the other day after his lesson and decided that he... Jul 21, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Max is surely getting better in reading books. He read Going on a Bear Hunt today to his brothers, it was a pleasure to listen to it. Thank you M (Lesson 87) Jul 19, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Lewis has definitely made marked improvement reading normal books. We are very pleased and excited at his progress. He is starting to be able to read more quickly too.I have seen him stop and decode many words that just a few months ago he would simply have guessed... Jul 19, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Joshua is flourishing with his reading now, no longer the bottom of the class and amazing his teacher with his progress through the levels. As such I think its time we said goodbye, but with a deep felt thanks. Kind Regards P Jul 18, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Ashley is loving the Easyread System so far! I can’t tell you how excited I am about beginning this new way of learning with her. I am employed at my children’s school as an Educational Assistant and I often work with Children who are struggling with their... Jul 17, 2017 | Parent Reviews
So far we are pleased with the program. There have been a few hiccups but we quickly were back on track. With regards to the reading aspect I find that Xander is doing really well. I can see an improvement in his reading. We also subscribe to Raz kids which is another...