Jun 15, 2017 | Parent Reviews
The consistent communication between Easy Read and me [has been surprising]. I was not expecting so much personal attention. I am very optimistic at this point regarding the breakthroughs your program promises. It seems that your description of the children who... Jun 14, 2017 | Parent Reviews
A video popped up in my Facebook feed. The caption was something about ~ the reason your child guesses when reading. This guessing business was / is our BIGGEST problem. I listened to David’s explanation and immediately signed up for the trial without looking at... Jun 14, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Thank you very much for all your help. Ben is now plowing his way through, “Worlds Worst Children # 2”, having read the first one with much enthusiasm. Ironically, as he was reading about “Nit Boy”, he got nits. But was really happy and calling... Jun 5, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Yes, Andrew is looking forward to the helicopter! We plan to end our Easyread subscription. We held a “reading party” yesterday to celebrate his “graduation” from Easyread. We had his favorite meal, and played a reading game (Apples to Apples)... Jun 5, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Easyread has been an absolutely smashing success for our family. The trainer text has been the key to helping my son make sense of all the different sounds that English letters and letter combinations can make. The eye tracking exercises disguised as games have also... Jun 4, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We are going to cancel our subscription to EasyRead. It is a great program and really helped Landin progress this school year. Let me know if there is something specific I need to do to cancel, or if this email will suffice. Thank you, Regards, T (at lesson... Jun 3, 2017 | Parent Reviews
When Elana started the program in July of 2016, she was able to read short words, but couldn’t decode long but simple words. She loved stories and always enjoyed having me read to her, but constantly avoided reading herself and would only do so when strongly urged.... Jun 3, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I see progress in Colin’s reading. For example, I can understand him better when he reads out loud and he is more eager to read signs on the road or at the store. He used to be afraid or just not interested to read anything, even if it was a note on his favorite... Jun 1, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I am delighted with Barnaby’s progress. He is now reading books at home pretty fluently. (He read two books to me at bedtime last night). My objective was to get him reading fluently and he has achieved that beyond my expectations at this... May 31, 2017 | Parent Reviews
William is really enjoying the sessions and really looks forward to them. We have seen an increase in his reading confidence and more enthusiasm to have a go at decoding unfamiliar words in books or magazines. I have even caught him having a sneaky read of a book,... May 31, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Liam has been doing EasyRead for about 9 months. Liam’s reading at the end of the first semester of Grade 4 was behind by about 2 years, getting a D on his report card. We had spent a small fortune trying to help him but nothing worked. I started doing some... May 30, 2017 | Parent Reviews
For the first time this week, Hugh tackled a word he did not know from memory. He decoded it himself without me asking him to break it down. I think that he realized himself that he did it and was surprised and delighted. He has a huge bank of sight words and long... May 30, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We’re feeling it’s time for Andrew to \”graduate\” from Easyread. As you know, we’re thrilled with his progress! We just received word from his spring assessments at school and they showed great gains. He’s been exited from... May 30, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We have found the program very helpful so far. Jared has started to attempt to decode words outside the program once he has had a guess and it has been incorrect. He doesn’t always decode correctly yet (as we are only on lesson 47) but it has started to become... May 30, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Lauren has really enjoyed the lessons and has stuck with Easyread more than anything we have tried. Her progress has been a steady upward climb. Short word are very easy for her now, she sounds out the tougher ones. She usually catches the I and E correctly now. May 30, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I have had a long chat with Lily and we have decided to finish Easyread. I listened to her read a book today that she had never read before and she is doing so well that I think we can stop. Her spelling had also improved and we intend to carry on working on her... May 30, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I came across EasyRead on the Internet after feeling despair about my son Ben’s reading. His school was providing his twin brother, Adam, with extra one-on-one tuition for his own reading. But unfortunately for Ben, he wasn’t given this support as he was... May 27, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Dear David and team, I have some awesome news. Liam did his DRA test (reading test) at school, his teach wrote me specially to tell me Liam results. Liam has gone from a reading level of 28 in November of last year to reading level 40. He also did extremely well on... May 26, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Lara has found this course helpful and her reading has improved. As parents, we are happy with the progress Lara has made and we can see how her reading and spelling has improved. We liked the way easy read was set up on the site, it was easy to access and use. I... May 26, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We don’t really find that Tyler struggles more with the text over the games – he does find the character text a little more challenging but his reading skills have really taken off Thanks A