ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795 || $post->ID == 26795) { echo ''; } ?>

We have to tell him to put the light out at night

“When we started Rory’s reading was very poor. He hated reading, made continual mistakes and was very reluctant to read at all. Now he’ll nestle up on his bed and read his novel voluntarily. We have to tell him to put the light out at night, as he wants to read...

I thought the whole program was great

“I thought the whole program was great. Jack really liked playing all the games especially Letter Quest. I really enjoyed seeing him read the timed books at the end. Thank you for all your help.” A very happy mum at the end of the programme.

His fluency is already improving at lesson 45

“So far this program is working nicely for Theo. He is having a bit of difficulty with the rhyming section but otherwise coming right along and even using decoding when reading books with me at night. I like the short daily routine. He can focus for that length...

He has never done that before

“I can see Timmy has made progress already. Just the other day he picked up a library book and started to sound out words on his own. He has never done that before. He does not guess the words when reading now and he has an easier time going from letter to...

Wilhelm is seeing great results and…

Wilhelm is seeing great results and is being awarded for his efforts. On Tuesday, the 5th of April Wilhelm´s Easyread reading was AMAZING. It was the first time that Wilhelm could decode the pictures faster than I could! M

I'm excited for her…

“I wanted to let you know that Abiella is thoroughly enjoying Easyread. She hates to miss a day and in fact has only missed one since she restarted. Her reading has improved and she now enjoys going to the library and is choosing chapter books. She is also...

I trust the program completely

“I asked Marquez for feedback and he said “It’s awesome! And it’s fun. And I like how short the lessons are. I can read things like signs and other stuff much better and easier now!” I (mom) like how relaxed he is when he’s...

He realises that sounding out words IS reading

“Another fabulous thing about Easyread is that he feels so good about his reading now – he doesn’t feel bad about trying, he realises that sounding out words IS reading – and so he’ll read everything. I know a lot of kids are like that...

Speedy little decoders

“I have to say I am amazed how fast she can read through the “text” with the decoding pictures only…I am so impressed. She got me today, she sounded out the word “tongue” and I said no way that’s not right. Yup as usual I was...

Today we are quite tipsy from celebrating

“Just to let you know, today was parent teacher day at Annabell’s school. In November (her last one) we were despairing, it was so bad. Not with her attitude or work ethic, but how far she was falling behind the other students. Her confidence was very low....

I think she is there now and I’m so impressed

“I thought I’d let you know that Sapphira did Spell Drive herself for the first time ever today and she really enjoyed it. She is very resistant to doing anything outside her comfort zone and because we had had all the problems before with it not working...