Oct 30, 2017 | Parent Reviews
All is well! Elizabeth willingly and without resistance sits down to her daily practice session. That alone is a major accomplishment. Further, she was a chronic guesser, using her wonderful word sense, her memory, and the pictures to put it all together. She just did... Oct 27, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We are totally loving this system, I was sceptical at first as it’s very different from what is being taught in the school. I can truly say though that sticking with this and the golden rules that this is working. Her reading fluency is improving as is her... Oct 25, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I am so grateful to have found DM Easyread. The ever-rotating games keep the learning fresh and provide instantaneous feedback for Russell. I was surprised and impressed with games like “Place Name Word Game” and “Jungle Juggle”; I... Oct 23, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Easyread is fantastic. The support has been wonderful, and Easyread has highlighted vision issues that teachers and Occupational Therapists have missed. The time commitment is not onerous and my 7-year old son loves playing the games. I would highly recommend Easyread... Oct 20, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Alice’s reading has improved dramatically. She reached her first reading goal and has now started chapter books. It’s still not her favorite subject, but she has the skills, her confidence has grown, and she’s committed to reading every day. We... Oct 18, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I am the most pleased with his boosted confidence and the fact that his love of books is coming out. Before we found this program, he loved to be read to, but you could not get him to read a book on his own or to you for anything. He would come home crying about how... Oct 17, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We are really enjoying the program, and I honestly can’t say I would change anything. I am so excited to see M decoding words from start to finish, not only with the program but with other books as well. We have had 2 “firsts” this week; First of all... Oct 16, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We are very satisfied with the Easy Read system. The lessons are very good and the right length. Stone is feeling very confident. There are times he tries to guess and I remind him to sound/decode the words out loud to hear the word. The last 2-1/2 months I have heard... Oct 13, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We are finding the program very helpful for Carson, he is finding it easier to decode words outside of the system as well. The name game seems to be extremely helpful for decoding because the names are not familiar which makes them more difficult to guess. The only... Oct 10, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We already have seen some changes with Adyson and her reading for the better. We had a “reading meeting” with her reading teacher as well as her regular teacher. Adyson is almost up to grade level which is good. They are seeing her decode well, and her... Oct 8, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Back in 2010 my son Matthew took your Easyread course – and I am pleased to report that he is now in Year 9 and in top stream for English at his school. He is not a bookworm, and I do not expect he ever will be, and has an aversion still to picking up a pen, but... Sep 28, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Thank you so much for all your hard work for this outstanding program. Preston had such an amazing time with Easyread and he truly enjoyed playing the games. This is such a fantastic tool for helping children want to read in a fun way. We are so happy with his reading... Sep 27, 2017 | Parent Reviews
1 – In what ways has the system been different to what you expected? ANSWER: (1) It offers much more parental training and support than I expected. (2) My child is enjoying the program and looking forward to her lessons much more than I would have anticipated,... Sep 25, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We had to take a little break from Easyread because things got so crazy around here and then the stupid hurricane showed up. We’re just now getting back to normal. I was worried that he would’ve lost skills in the interim, but NO!!!! Everything he’s... Sep 25, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Thank you easy read for this unique system. My son absolutely loves this program. I first thought that he might feel as though it was a set back for him as a thirteen year old, but he embraced it with courage and looks forward to it each and every day. He loves... Sep 20, 2017 | Parent Reviews
Madhava has enjoyed playing games in order to learn to spell. Though the programs are obviously relatively new therefore require a bit of work, it still seemed to do the trick! At times, Madhava picks out random words and proudly shows me how he can spell them by... Sep 20, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I continue to be pleased with my son’s improvement in both reading and spelling as he goes through the EasyRead program. As an older student, he has shown improvement much earlier than I expected to see it, and I encourage you to develop/market the program with... Sep 14, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I wanted to update you on Adelaide’s first reading assessment this year. The amazing news is that the teacher notices tremendous growth! There were 2 assessments. One was reading a book with pictures and text and the other with just text. She had Addie read a... Sep 14, 2017 | Parent Reviews
We’ve had a break through week! Sam’s reading has started to take off. Yesterday on the drive to school, he read three books (Sam and the Big Kids, Car Goes Far and Come Back Ben) and today he read four books (Are you Ready to Play Outside?, Happy Cat,... Sep 13, 2017 | Parent Reviews
I think we are going to stop doing the lessons now. Unfortunately we got out of the habit of doing the lessons during the summer holidays and whilst we were away on holiday and it feels natural to stop now having had the break rather than pick it up again for just a...